Create a Legacy

Start a Named Endowment with Just $100

A wonderful way to support the library is to recognize an individual, family, business or organization by starting and funding a named endowment. Another option is to honor a person, family or entity contributing to an existing endowment started by someone else. Note: If you provide contact information, the LPLF will notify the recipient of your creation of or contribution to the endowment honoring them. Endowment funds are invested strategically to preserve their original value and generate income used to support the Library’s work for generations to come. Establishing an endowment fund in your name or the name of a loved one or a business is a way to provide ongoing support to Lafayette’s libraries. Read our blog post to learn more.

Named Endowments

Anyone can establish a named endowment with a minimum contribution of $100. Increment payments can be made until the endowment is fully funded at $1,000.

Once an endowment is fully funded, one book is donated annually in perpetuity in the name of named endowment. Donors elect the genre of books to be purchased or leave the selection unrestricted and up to the library staff.

A bookplate with donor information is affixed to the inside cover of each book before the books are placed into circulation. Memorial gifts and honorariums can be added to Named Endowments once an endowment is established.

Note: If you are ready to create an endowment or wish to contribute to your existing named endowment and wish to do so online, click one of the two buttons below.  If you prefer to handle by mail, please download this form mail it in along with your contribution.

Maintaining Endowments

The Endowment program is monitored jointly by the Finance and Endowment Committees. Over $200,000 has been contributed in the form of endowments since 1992 which has grown into an investment portfolio of over $700,000 to sustain the program.

Monies generated through endowments are tracked within the total of all monies collected and invested by the Lafayette Public Library Foundation. The amount donated to the Lafayette Public Library System each year from endowments is taken from interest earned on the endowment portion of investments.

Books are purchased once a year by the Library from these monies, and a bookplate indicating the funding source is placed in each book. If you prefer to handle by mail, please download this form mail it in along with your contribution.

Contribute to Existing Endowment

Gifts Through Your Will

A charitable bequest is one of the most meaningful legacies you can provide for your loved ones and your favorite organizations. You can help ensure our libraries are enjoyed for generations to come through your estate plans. These types of planned gifts can be a way for you to contribute money to The Lafayette Public Library Foundation while simultaneously realizing some of your estate and financial planning goals.

This can be done by including The Lafayette Public Library Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, retirement asset, life insurance, or by making a gift to an endowment. Please contact the Foundation at 337.261.5781 or for more information on including the Library in your will or setting up an endowment.

Award Endowments

The foundation also creates Award Endowments in the amount of $100 made each year to recognize the annual recipients of the LPLF Awards.

A book is plated in the name of each recipient in the year that the award is received. Currently three annual awards are given: Foundation Award, Major Donor Award, and President’s Award. Subsequent monetary donations made in honor of the recipients by family, friends, and the public are placed in each recipient’s endowment.

Once the $1,000 level is reached, and for every $1,000 in the account, the Award Endowment generates one book per year in perpetuity in the name of the award recipient.