A Statement from the Lafayette Public Library Foundation.
The Lafayette Public Library Foundation is an independent nonprofit founded in 1992 and supports the Lafayette Parish Library system through private funds. Through advocacy and fundraising, the foundation is able to provide materials, services, and fund projects to assist the library.
While the library’s basic operations are funded through traditional tax-based vehicles, the foundation’s funds are through private donations. Some of the efforts the foundation has helped to bolster are the very popular Lafayette Reads program and the GoGo Biblio Bookmobile.
As stated by board President Nanette Rabalais, “The Lafayette Public Library Foundation continues our support of the library within our mission statement, which is ‘Keeping our Libraries Great for the Future.’ We remain steadfast in our commitment to strengthen our community’s understanding of all our library has to offer through the efforts the foundation has established.”
Another primary goal of the foundation is to honor individuals and groups that have given lasting support to the library. And as such the foundation acknowledges and thanks Teresa Elberson and wishes her well in retirement. Teresa served the library for over 35 years, the last 4 of which as Director. Under her leadership the library was awarded the prestigious James O. Modisette Award for Public Libraries, the highest honor awarded to libraries in the state.
In closing Nanette stated, “The importance of the Lafayette Public Library system and the support it provides our community can never be overstated. The library and the community are truly bound together, and the foundation is here to promote our mission to keep it that way in the future.”